Saturday, June 7, 2008

May and June

We went to a casual BBQ at Katharine's for her 30th in April, Jasmine is a BIG fan of Kat and Inosi!

These are just a few shots through May and June of the girls and what they have been up to!

They both like their new gum boots, and having been wearing them outside to help us pave!

Ready for a big day at Kindy and Child care!

Adam's 18th

Well it has been a while, apologies to Rick and Meesh who haven't seen photos of the girls in ages! These go back a while, but nevertheless I thought I would update even so. Firstly, Adam's 18th birthday party!

Welcome to the Campbell family website! We hope to keep our loved family and friends up to date on what has been happening in our lives, and of course post as many photos as we are able!