Saturday, June 7, 2008

May and June

We went to a casual BBQ at Katharine's for her 30th in April, Jasmine is a BIG fan of Kat and Inosi!

These are just a few shots through May and June of the girls and what they have been up to!

They both like their new gum boots, and having been wearing them outside to help us pave!

Ready for a big day at Kindy and Child care!

Adam's 18th

Well it has been a while, apologies to Rick and Meesh who haven't seen photos of the girls in ages! These go back a while, but nevertheless I thought I would update even so. Firstly, Adam's 18th birthday party!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter etc...

I have just added a few photos from the last few weeks, and also from Easter and Gab's birthday on the weekend. We had a very busy weekend with everyone at Pt Elliot and the girls just loved the Easter egg hunt! Charlize really got into it this year too! This was hilarious and I just had to put this video on, definitely the slowest start to an egg hunt I have ever seen!

The kids had some funny glasses and had great fun putting them on and being silly!

The birthday boy...

I took this photo tonight of the girls in their new PJs eating easter chocolate!

Broken Hill

As you know, we headed to Broken Hill a couple of weeks ago. We had a great weekend, although it was rather hot. Here are the girls being good in the back seat!

The long boring road to Broken Hill...

Jasmine in front of the Vietnam Veterans monument, it was a beautiful morning at 8:30am!

Here we all are at the races, hot and dusty!

Jasmine is being a little princess with her hair done nicely...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A few random photos...

Here are a few photos from the last 2 months. I love this photo, the colours are great and the girls look happy!

Our gorgeous little girl is getting so grown up now! We are bias but we think she is such a cutie!

Here are 2 not so cuties, but it is a good photo of us nevertheless!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Brett's birthday

We had a great time at Brett's birthday! We went out to dinner at the Louisiana Tavern (very American, serves buffalo wings and all!), and then had a games night at our house. On Sunday we had a beautiful day at Glenelg, and the girls loved going on all the rides at the Beachhouse!

Jasmine loves her Grandma! Auntie Lis and Flic are always amazed at how much they look alike. And aren't Brett and Lis so sweet together?!!!!!

Here is a video of the girls on a ride at the Beachhouse at Glenelg!

Jasmine really wanted to ride the motorbikes, and was so happy when we said yes. Although Mummy had to jump on the back to help her, Daddy still beat us by a long way. She was very lucky in getting a pony ride too, but was a little scared and wouldn't let go of the lady leading her for a long time!

Here is Jasmine and Brett at beautiful Glenelg!

Random photos

I have added a few photos from the last month in the Campbell household! Jasmine had so much fun on Australia Day, and loved wearing her tattoos. She had 3 in total!

Jasmine started kindy, and is very excited about being a big girl now!

Watch out Australian Idol, here comes Charlize!!!!!

Welcome to the Campbell family website! We hope to keep our loved family and friends up to date on what has been happening in our lives, and of course post as many photos as we are able!