Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Charlize is walking (well almost...)

Charlize got behind her walker tonight and managed to stand the whole way! Not long now until she is walking by herself!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Beach holiday

After Christmas, we went to Pt Elliot for a few days, and amazingly it was warm down there! We had a fun time, except for Charlize who was sick the whole time with a high temperature and a rash for 5 days! Poor thing, we felt terrible for her. But we all enjoyed the warm weather and the beautiful beach conditions!

Here is another video of Charlize, laughing at her daddy!

The girls got a huge dolls house from Auntie Flic and Uncle Mark this Christmas, and they just love playing with it. Here are a couple of photos!

Welcome to the Campbell family website! We hope to keep our loved family and friends up to date on what has been happening in our lives, and of course post as many photos as we are able!