Thursday, December 27, 2007


We had a fantastic day this Christmas! Starting off at home, Jasmine waited patiently for Charlize to get up and then opened her presents very quickly, not even stopping to look at what they were most of the time. We then went to Mum and Dad's for lunch and had yummy roast pork and turkey, and then of course came more presents. Jasmine and Charlize certainly were spoiled this year, the bigger the family gets, the more presents they receive! Brett and I didn't do too badly either! We spent dinner with Brett's family, and this year was especially nice as we spent time with his aunties, uncles and cousins. Although struggling to fit any more food in, we really enjoyed our time there. By dinner time however, the girls were starting to fade! We had a wonderful day and are so blessed to have such an awesome family. And to those family who we miss dearly living overseas, we hope you had a great Christmas too, and know that we missed you and thought of you even more than usual. We hope everyone has a very safe and happy new year, see you all soon!

Christmas continued

Nikki loved her bear that Grandpa gave her, as you can see by the smile! And I love the photo of Flic and Mark, very sweet!

More photos

Dad was happy with his Crows themed pressie, whilst Charlize just looks surprised! I managed to get a really cute photo of Lis and Colin too!

Trying a video.....

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Charlize's birthday

Well this is my first time on this blog so I am not sure how it is going to work, but I will give it a try! Last night we had Charlize's birthday party, it was a huge affair with lots of presents and food of course, and she had a great time. I have put some photos up of the night, and of the morning of her birthday. Bye for now!
Welcome to the Campbell family website! We hope to keep our loved family and friends up to date on what has been happening in our lives, and of course post as many photos as we are able!